Panda offers a range of utilities or style properties for applying visual effects to elements. These effects include opacity, shadows, blending modes, filters, and more.
<div className={css({ opacity: 0.5 })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
opacity | opacity | opacity |
Box Shadow
Apply box shadows to elements.
<div className={css({ boxShadow: 'lg' })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
boxShadow | box-shadow | shadows |
shadow | box-shadow | shadows |
shadowColor | --shadow-color | colors |
Mix Blend Mode
Control the blending mode of an element.
<div className={css({ mixBlendMode: 'multiply' })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
mixBlendMode | mix-blend-mode | none |
Apply various filters to elements.
<div className={css({ filter: 'auto', blur: 'sm' })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
filter | filter | none |
blur | --blur | blurs |
brightness | --brightness | none |
contrast | --contrast | none |
grayscale | --grayscale | none |
hueRotate | --hue-rotate | none |
invert | --invert | none |
saturate | --saturate | none |
sepia | --sepia | none |
dropShadow | --drop-shadow | dropShadows |
Backdrop Filter
Apply filters to the backdrop of an element.
<div className={css({ backdropFilter: 'auto', backdropBlur: 'sm' })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
backdropFilter | backdrop-filter | none |
backdropBlur | --backdrop-blur | blurs |
backdropBrightness | --backdrop-brightness | none |
backdropContrast | --backdrop-contrast | none |
backdropGrayscale | --backdrop-grayscale | none |
backdropHueRotate | --backdrop-hue-rotate | none |
backdropInvert | --backdrop-invert | none |
backdropOpacity | --backdrop-opacity | none |
backdropSaturate | --backdrop-saturate | none |
backdropSepia | --backdrop-sepia | none |
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